Receive faxes using HP Digital Fax
If the printer is connected to your computer with an Ethernet cable, wireless connection, or USB
cable, you can use HP Digital Fax to automatically receive faxes and save faxes directly to your E-
mail box or your network folder that you specify. With HP digital Fax, you can store digital copies of
your faxes easily and also eliminate the hassle of dealing with bulky paper files.
Received faxes are saved as TIFF (Tagged Image File Format).
The files are named in the following method: XXXX_YYYYYYYY_ZZZZZZ.tif, where X is the sender's
information, Y is the date, and Z is the time that the fax was received.
NOTE: HP digital Fax is available for receiving black-and-white faxes only. Color faxes will be
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